
Keeping fit as a family

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Exercise. Whether the word brings a rush of excitement or sparks a fear of dread, there’s no denying the fundamental truth that it’s good for us.1 Taking part in regular exercise not only makes you feel better about yourself, it has a couple of pretty impressive shorter-term effects too.


Exercise helps us sleep better, reduces stress and flushes out toxins to help leave us with fresher skin and a healthier glow. There is a misconception though that exercise has to be hard work. This is not the case! Exercise can be fun and, what’s more, if you exercise as a family you will be able to share these fun experiences together.

Wondering what activities you can do as a family? Here are a couple of great ideas to get you started:


It’s free, it’s simple and virtually anyone can do it. We should all be aiming for around 10,000 steps a day but the vast majority of us are doing way less than that. Think walking sounds boring? Think again! Try a new route, drive to the coast, explore your nearest woods or follow a public footpath that you have never ventured along before. With so much to see you will barely know you’re exercising. Have a pet dog? Even better! Follow their nose and see where you end up. You can take things even further by wearing a smart tracker and challenge your family members to see who can complete the most steps!


Most towns have a local swimming pool and they are generally a fairly inexpensive way to keep fit. Swimming is a great family-friendly activity where all can be included. If you have young children that can’t swim there are armbands and floats to help them and if you have family members who are elderly or who suffer with mobility issues, the water will provide extra buoyancy and protection so that they can still get a workout with a lower risk of injury.

Watching television…

If you can’t tear your family away from the television, then why fight it? Perhaps it’s time to take an ‘if you can’t beat them, join them’ approach? We don’t mean sitting on the sofa of course, but how about investing in a games console that subtly forces everyone to remain active? Many of the leading brands now come with motion detection technology that means you can simulate playing sports, running, dancing and much more. Essentially, you can get a fun workout as a family without even leaving your living room!

  1. https://greatist.com/fitness/13-awesome-mental-health-benefits-exercise#1 []
  2. https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/5-surprising-benefits-of-walking []
  3. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321496.php []

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